Well, I installed the new Ubuntu 5.10 “The Breezy Badger” linux distro today and I must say…”Windoze, best watch your ass!” The install went smooth as a XP install and all of my hardware autoconfiged(almost all, the wireless took very little work and that can be blamed on BroadCom, not linux). That is saying alot as I installed the distro on my Compaq r3240 laptop. Anyone who has attempted to install older linux distros on s/icon-large/ubuntu.pnga laptop can agree that usually there is a big difference between having a fully functioning linux desktop box and the same being true with a laptop linux matchine.
There was little work in getting this distro up and online and then only SLIGHTLY more work in getting it who system up to date with the bells and whistles in free software (like burning, multimedia,3d,graphic, games etc software….free….oh yea, did I say 100% freegin free!). Like I said before… Windows watch your ass… these guys are going to give you a run for your money…. I must admit… next desktop I build for a customer will possibly have ubuntu as the default OS.
Just havnt posted in awhile and wanted to preach the praises of UBUNTU…. check em out… clear off a little partition and see what you can do!