Ionic – CORS with Live Reload

File this one under ‘lessons learned from hours spent chasing my tail’. Recently, I’ve been working quite a bit with the Ionic Framework… While I can’t say that I was initially on board for the whole ‘hybrid app’ approach for mobile development, I’ve really grown to love the stack and find it fun to work… Continue reading Ionic – CORS with Live Reload

Building Node.js MSI Installer on Windows – Error CNDL0103 cannot find npm.wxs

Recently, while attempting to build a custom release of the Node.js Windows Installer, I encountered a handful of problems and so wanted to detail them here in the case that it might assist another poor soul in saving an hour or two… First things first – install WIX from here. Next, if when you attempt to… Continue reading Building Node.js MSI Installer on Windows – Error CNDL0103 cannot find npm.wxs

ASP DropDownList DataBind Woes – Invalid SelectedValue Error

Yesterday, as I was plugging away on an ASP WebForms application to add some new features, I encountered an error I had not yet seen. “SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items” Although Googling turned up a lot of results, I could not really find anything that fit… Continue reading ASP DropDownList DataBind Woes – Invalid SelectedValue Error

Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu

I am hoping that in posting this, someone is able to save a little time and frustration. On my Ubuntu 10.10 machine with CouchDB 1.0.1 installed, I began experiencing the following error every time I attempted to ‘couchapp push’ my couchapp changes: [CRITICAL] Expecting object: line 2 column 3 (char 4) After a bit of… Continue reading Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu