Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu

I am hoping that in posting this, someone is able to save a little time and frustration. On my Ubuntu 10.10 machine with CouchDB 1.0.1 installed, I began experiencing the following error every time I attempted to ‘couchapp push’ my couchapp changes: [CRITICAL] Expecting object: line 2 column 3 (char 4) After a bit of… Continue reading Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu

Practical Django Projects 2nd Ed. (Apress) – CH3 TinyMCE Problem

Updated: April 6, 2010 9:50pm CST – Correction (Below) When reading/working through the 2nd edition of Apress’ ‘Practical Django Projects’, I hit a hang.  A big hang.  And like most big hangs, it was actually a very small (technically speaking) bump in the road.   The problem is that when looking to “how to” books such… Continue reading Practical Django Projects 2nd Ed. (Apress) – CH3 TinyMCE Problem