Travel is Fatal

 Every time that I’ve forced myself to leave my comfort zone in order to experience someplace or something new, this has been my takeaway… In the wise words of Mr. Twain: “Travel is Fatal”… My personal experience has shown me that while I’ve evolved to be able to form assumptions about things I know little of,… Continue reading Travel is Fatal

My first dance with Cordova + Ionic + Crosswalk + LiveReload… WHITE SCREEN! THINGS BROKE!

tl;dr – Since I am apparently a long winded such-in-such (ex: even my tldr is too long)… If you’re having white screen issues with Ionic + Crosswalk + LiveReload after introducing Crosswalk to your working project, here’s the updated process for introducing Crosswalk to your ionic project: [code] npm install ionic -g cd MySupaAwesomeApp ionic browser… Continue reading My first dance with Cordova + Ionic + Crosswalk + LiveReload… WHITE SCREEN! THINGS BROKE!

Ionic – CORS with Live Reload Part 2

Hello again, reader. I wanted to follow up (better late than never, right?!) on my previous post regarding CORS issues encountered while working with the Ionic Framework’s –livereload feature. If you’re reading this, then you likely already know that some interesting things can happen when using the Live Reload (–livereload / -l) features of Ionic…… Continue reading Ionic – CORS with Live Reload Part 2