mitI just had to stop what I was doing to pop in and tell you about on the of the coolest free offerings I have seen on the net. This one I think possibly has a ‘retail’ value in the thousands… a free college education, both undergrad and grad studies…. Guess where… go on… ok, I will spill.. M.I.T. Yes, the M.I.T…yes, FREE.

“Welcome to MIT’s OpenCourseWare: a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world.”
-M.I.T. resource site

Via an online education system that M.I.T. has set up by the name of OpenCourseWare you can obtain an education in over 30 courses. Classes include astronautics, biology, engineering, computer science, physics, arts, and on and on and on…

So… get the hankering for a good learnin’ head on over to MIT.

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