CompTIA a “Reported Attack Site” Hosting Malicious Code?

So, I recently decided to go ahead and get my A+ certification from CompTIA since I have been unable to get a job as either a computer tech or a programmer (no one wants a CS major as a tech and no one wants a programmer with no experience).  I decided a moment ago to head over to CompTIA’s website to download my certificate and was presented with this:

Attack Site

I thought that the A+ test seemed a bit light on the security questions… now i know why…

Update: In very  little time, CompTIA seems to have resolved the issue and all is well in the world of Firefox Comptia access.


  1. Yea, thats what they told me too – until I sent her links to my flicker account and to the various tech/certification forums around the net cracking the “I guess they need to increase their Security +” joke 🙂 She called back this afternoon and said that the tech dept was working with Google (?) to resolve it – I am betting that they are claiming them to be false positives… are they? I have read accounts of people claiming spyware installs as a result of visiting CompTIA since this all began, but I cannot confirm – I use Linux, so… yea… 🙂

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