Well, I am writing out of a realized shortcoming. A dream now shattered and brought to reality. Okay, so I have a tendency towards melodrama and it is not the monumental deconstruction of a heart-felt hope as I have implied but this realization did blow never the less. As I have posted, I recently purchased a new digital camera; a canon S3 IS. Before, I owned a Kodak DX7630 – a very nice camera in its own right. Last night (Friday) as heading to a friends for drinks and a few games of pool I snapped a couple of pictures. Take note: it is night. The night pictures that I took without a tripod, taken at random were remarkably clear; much more so than any I have taken in the same fashion with the DX. The crushing of the dream came in when I tried to plan out the shot a little more. With the DX there was a shutter speed limit of 64 seconds. This long “exposure” allowed for nearly HDR quality images when combined with a high aperture setting. The canon has a longest speed of 15 seconds. I am sure that without much explanation you can understand what this means – More washed out colors and artifacts 🙁 I am sure that I will learn to cope but it blows when you come to the relization that you have lost something that you loved and didn’t even know it until it was gone…
file under: philosophy of love – In relation to Digital Camera Function