Blue Screen.

Oh the love of Windows, let me count the ways…. 0….. 0….

So, I return to Vista (aka WindowsME2007) after an extended foray into the world of Linux – eww, I know. Truth told, I wouldn’t own Vista if they hadn’t already installed it on my machine for free (I know thats not a legitimate excuse – cut me a break… ok?!). I don’t know why I did it – likely because I forgot the thrashings of my last usage, perhaps I desired a bit of domination I was not getting elsewhere in my life (from my OS)… So anyways, I am back in Vista. So I bounce over to my revamped Troy blackboard account to do a bit of late night school work.

Open Firefox -> -> Cyber Crime -> Discussion Board -> WAIT….. Wait some more… damnit… buggy ass Java applet isn’t loading in Firefox…

Okay, so I will fire up the never used IE7…. Everything loads find… damn. Gotta love when programmers write specifically for MS viruses programs (guessing – though I use Java in firefox all the time without issues) and more over when universities force-sodomize their students with MS fanaticism (aka. ALL STUDENTS MUST USE MS WORD, Have WindowsXP, Etc… (Shhhh… I use Linux and OpenOffice – don’t tell admin))…

But I digress… So back to point… what was my point… oh yea…

So I quickly get board with doing the school work I need to be doing… So I ‘CTRL+T’ to open a new tab (way to ‘adopt’, MS douches) and head over to hell MySpace and take in the freak-show with every key-stroke (no offense MySpace readers)… Rendering is different, but not bad – after all the MySpace crones are writing for MS browsers (but in all fairness, who commercially isn’t). Load times though… well they are bad… damn flash… slowing the pages down… damn, did my Core2Duo@2ghz step down to a 800mhz all the sudde…..

WTF!?! A bluescreen of death in VISTA?!?!?!?! Using MS Internet Explorer?!?!? I thought this thing was extinct?! I have been “using” Vista for months now and this is the first I have seen of the BSOD creature…. What the hell was I thinking using a Microsoft program in a Microsoft Operating System?! I must be crazy… back to good ol’ firefox (or XP virtualized under Linux)…

I tried to grab my camera to get a picture of it in the wild but was too slow for the swift reboot that accompanied the painting of my screen blue, but luckily the windows developers decided to provide us slower souls with proof of our experience with their handy-dandy crash report after reboot!!! YEAH!!!

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