Gnome Do Goodness

Because of my extensive use of the tool as of late, I now feel compelled to write a small bit on “Gnome DO“. This launcher has really reduced my required keystrokes and mouse clicks to launch my applications and to load my documents. This nice little app is brought up by the “Super+Space” key combo… Continue reading Gnome Do Goodness


Wwrrraaaarrr…The new quad running Ubuntu with VirtualBox deployed with XP – on which I was installing Visual Studio 2005 (so now I can dev .net in Ubuntu 🙂 )

Categorized as Tech

Shiny new toy…

I am writing this post from my shiny new toy (as shown).  This beotch is bad.  Quad cores and 2.4 Ghz each, Dual Nvidia 512MB 8500GTs in SLI configuration and 2GB ram (more to come).  Obviously there is more to is than that, but those are the high points. Now I am going through the… Continue reading Shiny new toy…

Categorized as Tech

Blue Screen.

Oh the love of Windows, let me count the ways…. 0….. 0…. So, I return to Vista (aka WindowsME2007) after an extended foray into the world of Linux – eww, I know. Truth told, I wouldn’t own Vista if they hadn’t already installed it on my machine for free (I know thats not a legitimate… Continue reading Blue Screen.

Categorized as Tech, Windows