HP Needs Better QA Process – Returning the HP DV6-7000 after less than a week

I am posting my review of my HP DV6 Quad Edition Laptop here as I am certain that HP will not allow it to be posted to their review area for this product and I feel that it may help others avoid my mistake… Original Review I pulled the trigger on getting this laptop when… Continue reading HP Needs Better QA Process – Returning the HP DV6-7000 after less than a week

Tab Dump – 6/9/2012

DotCloud – https://www.dotcloud.com/tour.html My Rasberry Pi Thinks It’s a Mainframe – http://www.designspark.com/content/my-raspberry-pi-thinks-its-mainframe Haunted Majora’s Mask – http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/majora.html Your Fist Node.js Module (good reference) – http://cnnr.me/b/2012/05/your-first-node-dot-js-module/ My first half-hearted stab at a OpenShift Node.js App – http://mattezell-mattezell.rhcloud.com/ Rick Roll Coding Competition – http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6043/were-no-strangers-to-code-golf-you-know-the-rules-and-so-do-i Responsive Mode and Layout View in Firefox 15 – http://paulrouget.com/e/devtoolsupdate/ Linux Programmer’s Guide – http://tldp.org/LDP/lpg-0.4.pdf Flasky Goodness – https://speakerdeck.com/u/kennethreitz/p/flasky-goodness… Continue reading Tab Dump – 6/9/2012

Tab Dump – 4/29/2012

Since the advent of the tabbed browser interface, I have admittedly “over utilized” the tabs feature – something that those who know me IRL have quite frequently noted over the years (read: “OMFG-Y so MANY tabs?!”). As one who previously used bookmarks with similar zeal, I often finding myself accumulating tabs over several weeks as… Continue reading Tab Dump – 4/29/2012

Building Node.js MSI Installer on Windows – Error CNDL0103 cannot find npm.wxs

Recently, while attempting to build a custom release of the Node.js Windows Installer, I encountered a handful of problems and so wanted to detail them here in the case that it might assist another poor soul in saving an hour or two… First things first – install WIX from here. Next, if when you attempt to… Continue reading Building Node.js MSI Installer on Windows – Error CNDL0103 cannot find npm.wxs

To CM9 a0.5 or not to CM9 a0.5 – that is the question…

Of course, I have been anxiously watching the development of custom roms for the HP Touchpad… I am really happy to see not one, but TWO releases (Alpha 0 and Alpha 0.5) of CM9 for the Touchpad so far!  Great work from the Cyanogenmod team! So far, I have been too gun shy to pull… Continue reading To CM9 a0.5 or not to CM9 a0.5 – that is the question…

Touchpad Mod Upgrades – Bump to Cyanogenmod Alpha 2 and WebOS 3.0.4 while maintaining dual boot heaven (easy)

Note: I performed the below from Ubuntu 11.04 x64 After this process, you will be on CM7 a2 (newest Cyanogenmod – steps 1-2) and WebOS 3.0.4 (newest – steps 3).  Once you pull the WebOs update, moboot (what let you pick which OS to boot to) will no longer be the active bootloader.  But we… Continue reading Touchpad Mod Upgrades – Bump to Cyanogenmod Alpha 2 and WebOS 3.0.4 while maintaining dual boot heaven (easy)

A New Home

So, this is the first post of mattezell.info in its new home.  I decided to export my posts from my wordpress.com hosted account and post them to my newly, self-hosted WordPress install. Of course, the next logical step in this process is to post the first post of mattezell.info v2.0 (ok, so perhaps like v12.0,… Continue reading A New Home

Categorized as Life

Droid X Bootstrap – APK [Bookmark]

After much scouring, I came across this gem hosted on Google Code – http://code.google.com/p/xdroidx/downloads/detail?name=DroidXBootstrap.apk The pre-compiled Droid X Bootstrapper from Koush. Just thought I would leave this here for you guys…  

ASP DropDownList DataBind Woes – Invalid SelectedValue Error

Yesterday, as I was plugging away on an ASP WebForms application to add some new features, I encountered an error I had not yet seen. “SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items” Although Googling turned up a lot of results, I could not really find anything that fit… Continue reading ASP DropDownList DataBind Woes – Invalid SelectedValue Error