Update: Day One: War on lights, wires and batteries.

So, weak Boston has crumpled and let the terrorist out – and on $2,500 bond. Tough on terror my ass. Okay, so I am kidding… but not really… but yea, kidding.

Seriously though, if these guys posed the risk that the Bostonian government is suggesting in their vengeful witch-hunt against these guys and everyone who has anything to do with these signs – $2,500 bond? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there should be a bond because I feel the arrest to be BS but to me this says Boston knows what they have on these guys equates to shit. I mean most all other crimes that are deemed arrest-able offences require more in bond than this… so this alone speaks volumes to the weight of which the rest of this case will play out with…diddily… I know there is not a clearly defined legal correlation between the two (bond/danger) but in offenses pertaining to posing a risk to safety it is typically much higher than this… indicating the obvious.. no threat… as originally claimed…
Which makes you ask… is this necessary…

Taken from AS’ website…

So anyways, they are out – came up with some nonsensical act for the paparazzi for the press conference. 70’s hair was appearantly the topic of the day… “What we really want to talk about today — it’s kind of important to some people — it’s haircuts of the 1970s,” -Berdovsky (aka. Terrorist One).

I can’t help but wonder if this is in the deal with Adult Swim in the end as far as these dudes’ agreements are concerned. With the right spin this could be very beneficial in the way of increasing notoriety for the adult cartoon block on Cartoon network (AdultSwim. 10pm, 9 Central – Check your local listing for details. AdultSwim better than crack and Cheetos combined!)Normally bad publicity is well…bad… but when you make your money from defying socially accepted norms then bad publicity can be good publicity – this is likely the case of ATHF and AdultSwim as a whole. Not to mention, (ok, to mention) AdultSwim has a ATHF movie due in march, so…. you do the (speculative) math.

The geniuses running the fine city of Boston are acting… well, much like before… crazy, paranoid and overly zealous to pass the mud from their faces’ to anothers. The mayor continues to vow to hunt down those involved – in a legal manner of course. The prosecutor claimed at the arraignment that (a device was found)“looking like it had C-4 explosive.” C-4… I didn’t know they had silly putty on their design too! Cheeky bastards. So yea, like I said crazy… The assistant attorney in the case even went as far to claim “It’s clear the intent was to get attention by causing fear and unrest that there was a bomb in that location,”… yea… crazy…

The general consensus amongst Bostonians is embarrassment for their leaders (and seemingly a bit for themselves). “We’re the laughing stock” one 34 yr old woman told MSNBC. I have checked in some Boston blogging sites and this sentiment seems to be echoed there as well.

My take? The signs were/ARE very clever. The concept is a very popular one currently in the tech community. Very. Even yours truly has in the last month ordered at least ½ the supplies for similar (tho far less creative) projects… popularized by sites such as makezine, instructables and the graffiti research lab (these guys do rad shiznit… like this) and mainstreamed it all to the general tech public via Digg, Slashdot and Boing Boing like social linking sites…

So, here we have the source of the idea (if they really want to hunt down the actual source of this so called “terrorism” – jackasses). Next we had an idea… by an artist/advertisement designer…but not who you think… not the 27 yr artist hired to post the LED signs – someone who you have heard nothing from that works at the marketing agency, Interference Inc… so yea, didn’t even arrest the right guys (?). Actually, originally it was orchestrated from AdultSwim (here is their apology aired last night –


So here is the source of this particular device… or motivation for the source if you will…

Now, the frenzy… this is the kicker… this is the people who lead, govern and rule Boston’s immediate functions… this is these people not thinking… Knee jerk. Fight or flight… “OMFG it’s a bomb everybody run for your f’n life!!!!!!!” That was it… no thinking… just reaction… now, everyone does this. True. Acknowledged. But, with that said, when you place people in power it is with the inherent understanding that those individuals are there to make decisions. I am most certain that Boston, and America as a whole, does not want those leading our states and cities making decisions without thinking… or crap like this fiasco happen… people need to break this whole paranoid ‘take’ that the next 9/11 is right around the bend – doom is pending – the prophesized approaching apocalypse is upon us…and simply live life… laugh when you see funny little 2 dimensional chartoon characters flipping a bird at you. I am not saying to not be aware or diligent in the fight on terrorism (what ever the hell that has turned into meaning), I am just saying that outside of keeping your head up, you can’t just wait for the next boom… if it happens it happens. Hopefully it won’t, bust history frowns on this outcome… that is life… but we can’t go around blowing up shit out of paranoia… it just doesn’t work in a free society…

Got a min… check out my rapper/lawyer/blogger friend’s take…

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