Festive Results – Google 2012 Holiday Easter Eggs

I stumbled across something that caught my eye a few minutes ago, so I thought that I would share… in the spirit of giving and all 🙂 Browse to http://google.com and search for something… Anything… Heck, it can be ‘something’… Notice… Oh, look!  Results… Oh, wait… yeah.. that’s normal… Now, navigate to http://google.com and Google… Continue reading Festive Results – Google 2012 Holiday Easter Eggs

Tab Dump – 6/9/2012

DotCloud – https://www.dotcloud.com/tour.html My Rasberry Pi Thinks It’s a Mainframe – http://www.designspark.com/content/my-raspberry-pi-thinks-its-mainframe Haunted Majora’s Mask – http://inuscreepystuff.blogspot.com/2010/09/majora.html Your Fist Node.js Module (good reference) – http://cnnr.me/b/2012/05/your-first-node-dot-js-module/ My first half-hearted stab at a OpenShift Node.js App – http://mattezell-mattezell.rhcloud.com/ Rick Roll Coding Competition – http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6043/were-no-strangers-to-code-golf-you-know-the-rules-and-so-do-i Responsive Mode and Layout View in Firefox 15 – http://paulrouget.com/e/devtoolsupdate/ Linux Programmer’s Guide – http://tldp.org/LDP/lpg-0.4.pdf Flasky Goodness – https://speakerdeck.com/u/kennethreitz/p/flasky-goodness… Continue reading Tab Dump – 6/9/2012

Tab Dump – 4/29/2012

Since the advent of the tabbed browser interface, I have admittedly “over utilized” the tabs feature – something that those who know me IRL have quite frequently noted over the years (read: “OMFG-Y so MANY tabs?!”). As one who previously used bookmarks with similar zeal, I often finding myself accumulating tabs over several weeks as… Continue reading Tab Dump – 4/29/2012

Droid X Bootstrap – APK [Bookmark]

After much scouring, I came across this gem hosted on Google Code – http://code.google.com/p/xdroidx/downloads/detail?name=DroidXBootstrap.apk The pre-compiled Droid X Bootstrapper from Koush. Just thought I would leave this here for you guys…  

Google’s URL Shortener and QR Code Generator – goo.gl

Apparently, Google has been working on a URL Shortener – think tinyurl.com or bit.ly.  I was unaware that Google was getting in the URL shortening business, but apparently there has been some hype about its pending arrival around the interwebs (It is Google afterall).. Apparently, the URL Shortener service is currently only available as a… Continue reading Google’s URL Shortener and QR Code Generator – goo.gl

That time again…

As I roll into day 2 of f’Unemployment, my inbox is quickly filling with auto-response emails thanking me for my application. As I am sure will occur in the coming weeks with increasing frequency, I find myself asking “how did I get here?” I mean, sure, I remember going to school. I remember making the… Continue reading That time again…

Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Upgrade – 1000HE EeePC

So… I decided to bite the bullet and forge forward with the dist upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 last night… Ok, so let’s be honest – I let curiosity take control once again, allowing my cautious mind to be overridden: allowing the entry of ‘sudo update-manager -d’ in the terminal… This was about 11PM last… Continue reading Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Upgrade – 1000HE EeePC