Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu

I am hoping that in posting this, someone is able to save a little time and frustration. On my Ubuntu 10.10 machine with CouchDB 1.0.1 installed, I began experiencing the following error every time I attempted to ‘couchapp push’ my couchapp changes: [CRITICAL] Expecting object: line 2 column 3 (char 4) After a bit of… Continue reading Critical error on Couchapp push with Ubuntu

Wow. I never use this thing. [Inception]

So, I came to post a quick quip about how much I liked Inception today and realized how little I use my blog anymore.  Not that I have ever been a competitive blogger or anything of the sort, but it would seem that I have withered and dried up – at least so far as these posts… Continue reading Wow. I never use this thing. [Inception]

nVidia Drivers with Compositing on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Ok.  I will admit it.  I love compositing (Compiz) in Linux.  I absolutely adore it.  Clearly, this can be a bit of a problem as compositing on NVidia cards (more specifically using the Linux proprietary drivers) in Linux can be a bit of a challenge (understatement) at times. Post-Lucid-upgrade has proven to be one of… Continue reading nVidia Drivers with Compositing on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx

Google’s URL Shortener and QR Code Generator –

Apparently, Google has been working on a URL Shortener – think or  I was unaware that Google was getting in the URL shortening business, but apparently there has been some hype about its pending arrival around the interwebs (It is Google afterall).. Apparently, the URL Shortener service is currently only available as a… Continue reading Google’s URL Shortener and QR Code Generator –

Practical Django Projects 2nd Ed. (Apress) – CH3 TinyMCE Problem

Updated: April 6, 2010 9:50pm CST – Correction (Below) When reading/working through the 2nd edition of Apress’ ‘Practical Django Projects’, I hit a hang.  A big hang.  And like most big hangs, it was actually a very small (technically speaking) bump in the road.   The problem is that when looking to “how to” books such… Continue reading Practical Django Projects 2nd Ed. (Apress) – CH3 TinyMCE Problem

That time again…

As I roll into day 2 of f’Unemployment, my inbox is quickly filling with auto-response emails thanking me for my application. As I am sure will occur in the coming weeks with increasing frequency, I find myself asking “how did I get here?” I mean, sure, I remember going to school. I remember making the… Continue reading That time again…